DGPlus 2.0 Rely on us!
DGPlus is an online web application. This dangerous goods application has been developed by JD Knowledge, specifically for companies handling dangerous goods. This service is aimed at correctness and efficiency, i.e. accuracy in reporting and time savings in case of checks.
Better performance with lower costs. Just log in from every computer or mobile device and simply browse through the legislation you need, and print the offical documents needed to transport a dangerous goods shipment.
For example: the Dutch government Ministry of Defense,
multiple airlines as KLM and Martinair, and companies like
Port of Amsterdam-Rotterdam- Groningen
work with our data and knowledge.
Whether it will take roadtransport (ADR), Railway (RID),
shipping by inland waterways (ADN), transport by Sea
(IMDG Code) or by Air. (ICAO). DGPlus will simply
provide you with the correct and offficial documents
to finish your dangerous goods shipment.
Download DGPlus Brochure English
Modes of transport!
We provide the following publications:
– ADR (Transport of dangerous goods by road)
– IMDG Code (Transport of dangerous goods by sea)
– ADN (Plus) (Transport of dg by inland waterways)
– RID (Transport of dangerous goods by railway)
– ICAO (Transport of dangeorus goods by air)
We deliver multiple online subscriptions like Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum varied with online features.
If you would like to have more information about these online subscriptions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.